Monday, February 11, 2008

Modern and Ancient Explorers

Cosmos: Traveler’s Tales by Carl Sagan
In the documentary made by Carl Sagan, a parallel between two groups, ancient and modern explorers, was drawn. Both groups were very interested in exploring and knowing about new places around the world and beyond. Ancient explorers were trying to draw an accurate map of the world they were living in by exploring it. According to Carl Sagan, modern explorers have a wider imagination since they want to explore what’s beyond the Earth, which is our magnificent galaxy that is further than our imagination. Ancient explorers used simple tools in their explorations including a variety of animals and ships as transportation. While modern explorers are using the highest technology available today as an essential tool in exploring what’s beyond what can be seen by the naked eye.
In the 17th century Holland played an important role in science development, that’s due to the tolerant environment of the Dutch society. This tolerance attracted scientists and engineers from all parts of Europe at that time. The Dutch people were very interested in exploring many different parts of the world. This forced the Dutch people to develop their science knowledge relating to transportation machinery, which mainly included advanced shipbuilding. Naval vessels were produced in large quantities and high quality, which showed the advancement of science knowledge at that period of time, and also enabled the Dutch people to reach almost every part of the world.

1 comment:

Scott Douglas said...

I totally want to watch this video after reading your blog. I still haven't seen it yet!